Tuesday, January 18, 2011


People describe it as a broken record, as though emotions that flow through heart, mind, soul, and body are expressions of a changeable matter. Things that can be altered, but in the respect for the unknowing, your unawareness to the current state is that of which is blank, is that of which you have no remorse for. Standing merely as the reflection of this perfect picture frame you find my brilliance un-uniformed and most certainly unsettling in an incongruence fashion. Words of not the wise but of the broken seep through in the worst way. Not born to this nature, the understanding of reciprocation is unknown. Failing in the most beautiful way there lacks the knowledge but not the intelligence to concede purpose and affection. Lost in the wake of hopes and dreams finds the only sort of peace that can humble the tongue of a sounding bird but is inexplicable to you.

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